GetAway Farms
Saskatoon Berry Orchard
Effective immediately, Get Away Farms is now closed to the public. Our family would like to enjoy our retirement and would like to thank everyone in the community for their support and understanding. Thank you and we will continue our work in the community and with our neighbors.
We are a Saskatoon Berry u-pick Farm

Enjoy the outdoors with your whole family as you visit our Saskatoon Berry Farm U-pick and explore our orchard. Fresh air, great weather, and unforgettable memories make this a must do for the summer

“We serve Businesses across Manitoba. Our Saskatoon Berry Farm U-pick Fresh and Frozen Saskatoons in
small and large quantities. Please ask us about our current promotions. Shipping is free for orders over $300. See our contact page for more details and exlusions.

We store our berries during the winter after the U-Pick season, without the use of unhealthy chemicals or preservatives. We provide all of our customers with fresh berries packed with health benefits! See our nutritional page to see why you should be eating more Saskatoon berries.
A little info
About our Berries
Our Berries are %100 percent naturally grown with out the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides. These berries are loaded with anti-oxidents and essential vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy, well balanced diet.

Our Favourite Recipes
Don’t know what to do after you pick Saskatoon Berries? We have excellent recipes from muffins, cakes, and snacks that everyone can enjoy. Check out our favourite berry recipes!
About US
We are the Simanavicius Family. We love spending time with our neighbours and helping out with our community. Community and family are very important to us. We would love to meet your family and hope to see you every year!